On the 13th March I turned the (not so) grand age of 22!
I actually ended up celebrating with friends a week beforehand, at the Boom Boom Club, which took place in the Bathhouse. It was great fun to see all my friends again, many of whom live some way out of London. I also had an amazing outfit custom made by Sample Remix!
For my REAL birthday day my parents took myself and my boyfriend down to King's Road for lunch at The Bluebird, so tasty! We also ended up spending far too much money in a shop which seems to have everything we must have for our flat.... oh dear. I will try to take some proper photographs of how we have started decorating our flat with the various props, antiques and weird bits and pieces we own!
My boyfriend also had some beautiful flowers delivered for me (which came in a hat box), while he was at work on Saturday!