Happy Halloween!

As you may know, I tend to dress up. While I don't find Halloween particularly sentimental (as I'm British) , I couldn't possibly NOT try and organise an extra-special outfit, could I?


I've actually wanted to do this outfit for some time, but wanted to do it in a particular way. Unfortunately my sewing skills are particularly bad. Luckily, the genius Kirsteen Ross, also known as Boom Boom Baby, came to my rescue. 


The Half Man - Half Woman costume has long been seen on the vaudeville stage, but I was particularly inspired by Zorita's version, which was a raunchier strip-tease. 



I want to, eventually, turn this into an act, so I asked Kirsteen to create the costume in a certain way, so that each piece can be removed. 


Here are a few self portraits of the finished look: