Femme-Dandy Finds: Blazers

 I've previously put together some femme-dandy finds regarding tailored trousers - this time, blazers!

A good, fitted blazer is perfect for smartening up an outfit. If you are concerned about clashing prints, keep the bottom half to a single colour.


ASOS - £55

I'm very partial to red, and I just love this pattern! I probably wouldn't wear this with the matching trousers, as I sometimes feel that pattern can be overkill. Wear with black trousers with braces or oxblood peg trousers.

River Island - £40

There are plenty of floral blazers around, and perhaps you'd prefer to go for something with a lighter colour palette. But dark florals are very un trend, and I particularly like this strong digital print! I'd wear this with some tweed or grey trousers.

Romwe - $64

I LOVE this, although it's very verging on the edge of Del Boy territory. I thought the lining was a cravat at first, which would go amazingly well with this (either red or blue).

New Look - £29.99

The cropped style of this jacket is easy to throw on, and the folded over cuffs give a touch of colour. Go with a simple print for the trousers - these Plum Jacquard Slim Leg Trousers would be perfect.


SheInside - $62.40

 Another simple blazer with some nice detail. If you feel that you can go a whole day without ruining a full white suit, go for it. If not, go for black trousers, or a wild pattern like this Bird Print or these very Lynchian trousers!