Wigs, And Where To Find Them

To point out the obvious: I wear a lot of wigs. I own a lot of wigs. The count is in the late 20s now. 

So, I often get asked about wigs! I had previously written a guide on wigs (including how to shop on eBay) and a guide on how to style wigs, but that was back in 2011, and since then wigs have become incredibly popular. As Chinese wholesalers are becoming easier to contact, small independent sellers have cropped up all over the place, and fun wigs are cheaper and easier to come across!

Here's a little list of some retailers that I recommend.


Since I last wrote about shopping on eBay for wigs, there are now even more sellers. Good and bad, as you have even more junk and fancy dress plastic to wade through, but there are some hidden gems if you keep at it, and use the tips I've previously mentioned. 



I haven't actually ordered from Lockshop yet, but I have to say I am severely tempted by her wonderful new lace-front wigs. I've not actually used lace front wigs before, but the benefit is that the wig blends more seamlessly into your hairline. 

I'm also seduced by the good product photography and the fact that the owner, Chokelate is a multi-talented beauty. She also makes some amazing tights!


Geisha Wigs 

Geisha Wigs are a small team (originally just starting with one lady, I believe) based in the UK, who have built a devout following. I've purchased a few wigs from them, and all have been wonderful quality and very affordable. 

The wig I wore above is their Starlet wig. 


Rockstar Wigs

Rockstar Wigs, also part of Gothic Lolita Wigs (they basically sell the same things under different brands) is another popular wig website. I had previously bought a split white and red wig from them, and I can't say the quality was particularly fantastic, but I'd be willing to try again! I love this Dynamite wig, and the fact that they often shoot their designs on drag queens.


Minty Mix

I've mentioned Minty Mix before, having bought a similar wig to the above. It's one of my favourite wigs! The quality is amazing, so I'd definitely recommend their work.


Etsy - Kekeshop 

I haven't tried any wigs from this shop, but they look great, and particularly well styled! You wouldn't need to do much with these wigs, hence the higher prices.


Etsy - NYCWigs

These wigs look SO amazing! I love pretty much all of them. Although I would like to see what the non lace front versions look like, as the lace front adds £50 or so more onto the price.


Etsy - Sweet Hayseed

I've been following lusting over Sweet Hayseed's work for quite a few years, they truly are works of art. One day, my pretty, one day.