What I've been up to during february, via my instagram @swiczeniuk!

Top Left - Lovely Miss Miranda and her boyfriend Anthony bought me some amazing boxed gin for my birthday. I really love gin, just in case you wondered ;)
Top Right - I had a small gathering on Saturday, and my boyfriend organised lots of lovely early hollywood themed treats, including a camera-shaped pinata! Look at these Charlie Chaplin napkins!!!
Bottom Left - Shooting my new headdress from Reinka!
Bottom Right - The Burning Beat's stage manager/mcee, Jon, is teaching me how to sword fight! The swords may have come out once the club was over and we were a bit drunk......

Top Left - One of my old university housemates, Katie, moved to Japan to teach! To send her off we had a lovely gathering, which included doing purikura.
Top Right - Shooting a beautiful size 14 model for Playful Promises, I'll post the photos soon!
Bottom Left - The location I scouted for the shoot. I adore the way it was decorated.
Bottom Right - Some of you may know I'm a Game of Thrones fangirl (I'm just about to finish the last available book). So when Kit Harrington (a.k.a Jon Snow) turned up for a night out at The Burning Beat, I had to have a slightly embarrassing conversation with him and force him to take a photo with me. He was so nice, and said he was really enjoying our music - hooray!

Top Left and Top Right - Outfit shots! Slight change to my red and gold, this time I went for red, silver and black.
Bottom Left - My boyfriend makes amazing breakfasts!
Bottom Right - This headdress was lurking unused in my closet, so I gave it a spruce and added embellishments.