It was roughly late 2011 that I first started seeing Karolina Laskowska's work popping up, and I was instantly intrigued by her lingerie style. In Jan 2012 I had the chance to shoot some of her pieces on Miss Miranda (see above and below), and loved seeing the lingerie up close!
Although still completing her Contour Fashion degree at De Montfort, Karolina has already built her brand and quite a following. Her designs are luxurious, with more than a touch of bondage inspiration. At the moment she sells frame bras, strappy playsuits (including the bad-ass Pentagram playsuit) and harnesses, but I love watching her one-offs and design processes via her facebook.
Unfortunately I only have one piece from Karolina (so far!), which was a sample frame bra, with gorgeous gold lace. I don't really wear enough lingerie as outerwear, but I definitely have my eye on the Kordelia Harness!
Wearing the bra as outerwear, on my way to the UK Lingerie Awards!